Let's set target in our life .

Let's set target in our life .
Let's set target in our life .

Monday, April 4, 2011

Programme List

07.00am Arrival and Registration of Participants
08.00am Leaders' Briefing
08.30am Registration of Banner, Backwoods & Mini Gadget
09.00am Banner, Backwoods & Mini Gadget Competitions
12.00pm End of competitions/lunch
01.00pm Entrance to Hall
01.30pm Gathering Commences

* Competitions: Sketch, Dance, Song
* Presentations: Grand Masquerade, Sculpture
* Miscellaneous
* : Speech by Chairman, Introduction & Performance of '10/11 Senior Troop, Free Dance
* Prize-Giving Ceremony

7.00pm Gathering Ends.

P/S: Programmes are subject due to change.

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