Let's set target in our life .

Let's set target in our life .
Let's set target in our life .

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Mr. Yeap Hock Chye , our beloved retired scoutmaster ...

There 's one quote that says ,
                                     " Treasure the love of people and the value of time ;
                                        after both of them disappear ,
                                        only memories will be kept in hearts "
Didn't you guys agree on it ?
Hey, do you still remember him ?

Who comes up in your mind huh ?
"Mr. Yeap Hock Chye" XD , our beloved retired scoutmaster .
One of the glories he brought for us !!!

Mr. Yeap led CLHS's scouts and they brought triumph for Chung Ling.

As time goes on ...
He is getting old and have retired from being a teacher and  a scoutmaster.
Here are some of the photos of his retiring ceremony.

Mr. Yeap Hock Chye

Ex-scouts came to wish him a happy retirement.

Juniors were on cloud nine , hoping that Mr. Yeap will be happy for the night.

Scrumptious foods 

Photos of Mr. Yeap with ex-scouts. 

Mr. Yeap , your life brings tears , smiles and memories for us . The time keeps moving and our tears dry , our smiles fade but the memories between us will last deep in our heart forever....


Thank you for staying even if you had reason to leave . Thank you for making our life easier when it gets hard . 

Once a scout , always a scout !!!!

Be Prepared

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