Let's set target in our life .

Let's set target in our life .
Let's set target in our life .

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Group Camp 2012
Camp’s Competition

To all Form 1and Form 2 scouts, the competitions of Group Camp are as below:
1)      Knots Board
a.       Knots to be tied on the spot
b.      Board MUST be prepared at home.
c.       Knots board must be weather proof.
d.      Knots board prepared must be related to the theme given.
e.      Participants are to tie the knots in their syllabus ( Keahlihan, Usaha, Maju & Jaya )
f.        Extra marks will be given for extra knots.
g.       Participants are to compete by patrol in this competition.

2)      Campsite
a.       Gadgets given by the Organizing Competition In-Charge are compulsory
                                                              i.      Gear Rack
                                                            ii.      Equipment Rack
                                                          iii.      Fence
                                                          iv.      Camp table and camp chair
                                                            v.      Flagpole
                                                          vi.      Shoe rack
                                                        vii.      Cloth Line
                                                      viii.      Kitchen
                                                          ix.      Tent
                                                            x.      Altar Fire
                                                          xi.      Dustbin
b.      Gears must be well protected
c.       Sulphur  must be spread around the campsite at night
d.      Participants can think of extra gadgets to gain extra marks
e.       All gadgets must be portable
f.       The cleanliness of the campsite will also affect the marks given by the inspectors
g.      Compete by hutment

3)      Backwoods Man Cooking
a.       Foods set by the Organizing Competition In-Charge are compulsory
b.      Processed food are not allowed in this competition
c.       Participants can prepare a maximum of 3 extra dishes
d.      Extra marks will be given for every extra dishes
e.       Participants are required to decorate a their camp table camp chair  in order to obtain higher marks
f.        Compete by patrol
g.       Participants MUST prepare a menu
h.      Participants will be disqualified if “Altar Fire” is not used

4)      Modern Cooking
a.       Food set by the Organizing Competition In-Charge are compulsory
b.      Canned food are not allowed
c.       Participants can prepare a maximum of 3 dishes
d.      Extra marks will be given for every extra dishes
e.       Participants are required to decorate their camp table camp chair  in order to obtain higher marks
f.       Portable gas stoves are allowed to be used
g.       Participants MUST prepare a menu
h.      Compete by patrol

5)      Iron Scout ( Form 1 & 2 )
a.       Participants are to compete in a group of 3.
b.      In this competition, participants will be tested on their scouting skills.
c.       Participants will be grouped according to their own form.
d.      Participants will be grouped by the organizing committees on the day of the competition.
e.       There will only be one group of winner for every form.

6)      Model
a.       Participants are to prepare a model with at least 20  platforms.
b.      Landscape for the model is to be prepared.
c.       Participants must prepare the model according to the theme given. If fail to do so, marks will be deducted.
d.      Participants are also needed to present their model during the camp.
e.       Compete by hutment.

7)      Best Attendance
a.       Participants are to have as many participants for this camp as possible.
b.      Compete by troop.

8)      Best Banner
a.       Participants are required to draw a banner based on the theme given. If fail to do so, marks will be deducted.
b.      The cloth used must be in the measurement of  2m×1m.
c.       Participants are encouraged to use pelaka.
d.      Participants are required to present their banner by pair.
e.       Compete by hutment.

9)      Best Fancy Dress
a.       Participants are required to prepare 2 costumes based on the characters of the theme given.
b.      Reusable materials are encouraged to be used.
c.       Participants will be required to present their fancy dress during campfire night.
d.      Participants are also encouraged to use their fancy dress during sketches.
e.       Compete by hutment.

10)  Best Flag
a.       Participants are to prepare their flags based on the theme given.
b.      Cloth of measurement 0.5m x 0.7m is encouraged to be used.
c.       Participants are to present their flag during inspection of campsite.
d.      Pelaka is encouraged to be used.
e.       Compete by hutment.

11)  Items
a.       Sketch
                                                              i.      Length of sketch must be at least 7 minutes
                                                            ii.      The plot of the sketch must be according to the theme “House of Atreus: Curse of Artreus
                                                          iii.      The costume for the sketch must be suitable and participants must not be scantily dressed.
                                                          iv.      The sketch/drama must not contain any vulgar language, sensitive topics e.g. politics, sexism and religions.

b.      Dance
                                                              i.      The number of participants in a group must be between 3-8 people.
                                                            ii.      The participants’ attire must not be too exposed.
                                                          iii.      Time given per performance is 3-6 minutes.
                                                          iv.      The performance is NOT required to be based on the theme.
                                                            v.      All required items and accessories should be prepared beforehand. 
                            vi.     Breakdancing is not allowed

c.       Song
                                                              i.      Each hutment can send a maximum of a trio (1 group) to compete in the competition.
                                                            ii.      The participants’ attire must not be too exposed.
                                                          iii.      Time given for the performance is 4-7 minutes.
                                                          iv.      The performance is NOT required to be based on the theme.
                                                            v.      No rap is allowed
* All item competitions are to be compete by hutment
* All pendrive or CD containing item’s files must be passed to the P/A system during the preparation of the camp.

12)  Best Member
a.       There will be 2 prizes of best member for form 1and 1 for form 2
b.      This prize will be judged on the overall performance of the member during the preparation and camp

13)  Best Patrol Second
a.       There will be 1 prize for the best patrol second.
b.      The prize will be judged on the overall performance of the patrol second during the preparation and camp

14)  Best Patrol Leader
a.       There will be 1 prize for the best patrol leader
b.      The prize will be judged on the overall performance of the patrol leader during preparations and camp
c.       Patrol leaders must have the ability to lead and perform during camp in order to win this prize

15)  Best Overall
a.       The overall prize will be given to the patrol with the most  marks for competitions
b.      The best overall prize will also be judged by the discipline, teamwork and attendance of the patrol
c.       In order to win this prize, the patrol MUST compete in all competitions held.

*Uniform are not allowed to be used in Items Competition, including 2nd-U and 3rd-U
*The organizing committees have the right to confiscate the prizes of any competition if they are not satisfied with outcome of the competition
*All debris must be cleared right after every cooking competition
*Thereis no nametag competition, but every hutment still required to have nametag each for every members

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